Mental Health and Wellbeing
17 February 2025
Mental Health and Wellbeing

MH and AoD treatment services in Victoria

This report has been produced by the Victorian Agency for Health Information (VAHI) to provide the Victorian community with regular information on system activity regarding publicly-funded mental health (MH) and alcohol and other drug (AoD) treatment services in Victoria.

The data in this report contains information about emergency department (ED), ambulance, triage, community-based and bed-based clinical mental health services, as well as Victoria’s publicly-funded AoD treatment services. The report details service activity across adult, older persons, child youth and adolescent (CAMHS/CYMHS) populations. It provides moving averages of activity measures over the latest four-week period, with comparisons against the same period over the preceding four years to highlight changes over time.

The transparency of health service activity data to members of the Victorian community delivers on the commitment of the Victorian Government to providing publicly available information.

Data presented in this report complements other publicly available data on the performance of Victorian mental health services available via the Department of Health website - Mental health performance reports.

For further information, or to provide feedback on this report, please email [email protected].

About the data

This report includes the latest available 4-week moving averages, as well as comparisons with the same period over the preceding four years. Recent data is interim and may be subject to change as services correct and update their submissions..

Data used to calculate the measures in this report were sourced from the following collections.

  • Ambulance Victoria data
  • Client Management Interface / Operational Data Store (CMI/ODS)
  • Mental Health Triage Minimum Dataset
  • Victorian Alcohol and Drug Collection (VADC)
  • Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD)