The VHIMS Central Solution (CS) is an incident and feedback management system built by the Department of Health and transmits the Victorian Health incident Management System Minimum Data Set (VHIMS MDS).

VHIMS CS has been operational since 1 July 2019.

VHIMS CS is a web-based application. The key features of VHIMS CS are:

  • An incident module: to report and manage clinical and OHS incidents and hazards.
  • A feedback module: to report and manage complaints, compliments and suggestions.
  • An action component: comprising a ‘to-do’ list that can be monitored for task completion, allowing for action management and notification.
  • An administration component: allowing for the management of settings throughout the web application.
  • Reporting: including access to organisational data reports via Power BI, and full VHIMS data extracts for users with relevant permissions.

It is not possible for health services using VHIMS CS to configure the system to their local requirements. All changes must be agreed and implemented centrally.    

VHIMS CS Training Materials  

The Department of Health has developed education and training resource materials to support health services in reporting through the VHIMS Central solution  

VHIMS Central incident training

This slide pack contains everything you need to know in relation to the reporting and management of an incident. Information is also included for new users and the account activation process for their VHIMS Central user account.

VHIMS Central feedback training

This slide pack contains everything you need to know in relation to the recording and management of feedback in the VHIMS Central system.

VHIMS Central - IT security

This document has been developed to support your internal health service IT function to ensure the smooth operation and deployment of the VHIMS Central System.

VHIMS Central user maintenance form

This document has been developed to support requests to create, modify or remove VHIMS Central users via the VHIMS Central Helpdesk.

VHIMS Central training video - reporter role

This video steps through key VHIMS Central system functions, and how to lodge and manage an incident through the system role of 'reporter'

VHIMS Central system roles and permissions

This slide pack contains information to support services to select the most appropriate VHIMS Central system role for users. It provides an overview of what system permissions are associated with each VHIMS Central system role, and the level of visibility across incidents they provide.

VHIMS Central system management

This slide pack contains information to support services who are self-managing their VHIMS Central system. It steps through each of the administration module tabs to support the management of sites users, teams, notification rules and organisational set up.

Additional support

Support for your VHIMS Central system is always available via your internal VHIMS administrator or VHIMS Support.

VHIMS Support- to add a new user or report a system issue contact the Central Helpdesk by phone or email.

1800 848 900

[email protected]