Child and adolescent mental health services

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are specialist mental health services provided to Victorians who experience serious mental illness or disorder.

Tap the buttons below for specific CAMHS data for Victorians. You can filter by area mental health service.

Scroll further down for more information about the data (measures).

About the data:

The above measures look at:

  • post-discharge follow up
  • length of stay
  • seclusion episodes.

About post-discharge follow-up rate

The percentage of Victorians who were contacted within 7 days following discharge from a mental health inpatient service (excluding contact made on the day of discharge).

The 2022-23 statewide target follow-up rate within 7 days is 88%. The 2023–24 statewide target has not been finalised.

About average length of stay

The average number of days that the consumer was admitted into a mental health inpatient unit.

Only overnight stays are included. Same day separations (where a consumer is admitted and discharged on the same day) and stays longer than 35 days are excluded.

About rate of seclusion episodes per 1,000 bed days

A restrictive intervention may only be used after all reasonable and less restrictive options have been tried or considered and have been found to be unsuitable in the circumstances. A restrictive intervention includes seclusion, which means the sole confinement of a person to a room or any other enclosed space from which it is not within the control of the person confined to leave.

Rate of ended seclusion episodes per 1,000 occupied bed days within inpatient units, excluding leave, same day stays, private beds and units that do not have a seclusion room.

The 2022-23 statewide target for the rate of seclusion episodes for child and adolescent mental health services, per 1,000 bed days is 5. The 2023–24 statewide target has not been finalised.


  • Data source: Client Management Interface/Operational Data Store. Data extracted on 10 January 2024
  • The statewide rate of average length of stay and seclusion episodes per 1,000 bed days includes services by the Austin Health – Statewide Child Inpatient Unit and Monash Health - Oasis Unit. 
  • Results for the current financial year are preliminary and may change from quarter to quarter, final results will be available in November. Results from the previous financial year have been finalised
  • * No results are available