CVDL’s online application form is to be used for data linkage requests requiring access to Victorian datasets available from the CVDL. 

For projects requiring data from Victoria and one or more other jurisdictions, please visit the cross-jurisdictional projects page.  

The CVDL recommends that you read about the relevant Acts, Regulations, and ethical requirements pertaining to data linkage before submitting your application. 

If you have any queries questions about any aspect of the process, please contact CVDL via [email protected].  

What happens after CVDL receives your application?  

  • CVDL registers your application and allocates a project number. Please use this number whenever communicating with CVDL about your project.  
  • The application will be checked against the Information Privacy and Health Privacy principles and Five Safes principles to ensure compliance with privacy legislation and best practice.  
  • The Client Services and Technical Teams undertake a high-level feasibility assessment. This includes consideration of linkage requirements (cohorts and/or datasets), availability of requested datasets and items, and requested timelines for project delivery.  
  • CVDL will advise on likely project delivery timelines, which will depend on several factors, including project complexity, approval requirements and existing CVDL workloads.  
  • A ballpark estimate of costs will be provided and is based on the scope of the project and CVDL’s daily fees. There is also a calculator available here to allow you to estimate the costs for your linkage project. 
  • Following this, the Client Services team will arrange access to your dedicated secure folder within the CVDL’s SharePoint site., which This folder includes details of required supporting documentation, such as ethics approvals, project staffing details, and technical specifications. Templates are provided where necessary. 
  • CVDL may seek further clarification and request additional details. If substantial amendments are made to the data linkage application, it may need to be resubmitted. 
  • The costs of data linkage services will be further refined with a formal quote. 
  • Access to data via VALT, the CVDL secure data analysis environment, is scoped and a quote is provided. 

Data Request Process Flow Diagram 

data request

Click here to view the data request process flow diagram  


Datasets available in the Centre for Victorian Data Linkage’s Integrated Data Resource
Data linkage assessment and approval process