Patients treated (overall)

When a patient in Victoria is assessed by a surgeon as requiring planned surgery, they are categorised as urgent (Category 1: treatment within 30 days), semi-urgent (Category 2: treatment within 90 days) or non-urgent (Category 3: treatment within 12 months). They are then placed on a hospital-based wait list.

Tap the buttons below for specific patient data about planned surgery across Victoria. You can filter by hospital.

Scroll further down for more information about the data (measures).

About the data:

The above measures look at:

  • planned surgery waiting lists
  • waiting time
  • hospital-initiated postponements.

About the planned surgery waiting list

The above measures show patients admitted, and also those removed from the planned surgery wait list without treatment, for all urgency categories: Urgent (Category 1: treatment within 30 days), semi-urgent (Category 2: treatment within 90 days) or non-urgent (Category 3: treatment within 12 months). Patients are removed from the list without treatment for a range of reasons, including, but not limited to, death, failure to attend for admission, or surgery no longer required.

About waiting time

Waiting time is the period between the date the patient was listed for the planned surgery procedure and the date they were admitted to hospital for surgery (excluding not-ready-for-surgery days).

The 90th percentile time to treatment is the time within which 90% of patients are admitted for surgery.

Data is also shown for the percentage of patients waiting longer than 365 days for planned surgery in any urgency category.

About hospital-initiated postponements

The number of times a hospital initiates a postponement of a patient's scheduled planned surgery, per 100 scheduled admissions.

The 2022-23 statewide target is to have 7 or less hospital initiated postponements, per 100 scheduled admissions. The 2023–24 statewide target has not been finalised.

Sometimes hospitals need to postpone planned surgery. This is because demand for emergency services is unpredictable and patients who attend hospitals with life threatening illnesses take priority over patients needing planned surgery.


  • Data source: Elective Surgery Information System (ESIS). Data extracted on 17 July 2024
  • Results for the current financial year are preliminary and may change from quarter to quarter, final results will be available in November. Results from the previous financial year have been finalised
  • Incomplete data submitted for Grampians Health - Ballarat Health Services for the Apr-Jun 2024 period
  • Care needs to be taken when assessing results and comparing them to prior periods
  • * No results are available.