Discharge experience index

The Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey (VHES) asks patients about their experiences during their stay at a Victorian public health service. As part of the survey, patients are asked questions about their experience of being discharged from a health service.

The discharge experience index is the average result for very positive responses to four of the discharge questions. You can filter by health service.

Scroll down further for more information about the data.

About the data

About discharge experience

As part of the survey, patients are asked three questions about their discharge experience:

  • Before you left hospital, did staff give you or to someone close to you useful information about managing your health and care at home?
  • Did hospital staff take your family, home or health situation into account when planning your return to home?
  • Were you involved, as much as you wanted to be, in decisions about leaving hospital?

The discharge experience index is the average result for very positive responses to these questions. A 'very positive' response is when the patient chose the most positive response option available.

The 2022-23 statewide target is 75% of patients responding positively. The 2023–24 statewide target has not been finalised.


  • Data source: Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey: Adult Inpatient. Data extracted on 16 January 2024
  • From 2021-22 Q1, results are not shown when there were fewer than 10 survey responses for a health service
  • Results are lagged by one quarter
  • * Results not available at time of reporting. Data will be updated with next quarterly release
  • NP - Results not published.